ReachOut's Impact
ReachOut is a strategic partner for schools. Through collective mentoring and engaging activities, we build socio-emotional skills that transform outcomes for 9-14 year olds.
We exist because not all children have the opportunity to just ‘pick up’ socio-emotional skills. The 9-14 age bracket is an especially crucial juncture in childhood development, so we focus our efforts on helping children in this range.
Within this bracket, we further focus our efforts on helping young people constrained by circumstance. Our programme delivery is informed by an evidence-based curriculum and delivered through collective mentoring with trained practitioners and volunteer mentors. This combines positive peer support with supportive adult role models, allowing us to have the most impact.
In 2023/24 we:
“Before I came to ReachOut, I wasn’t very confident, but now I can see the bright side of myself and I know I can actually be confident! This makes me feel amazing. ”
Year 6 Mentee
Confidence &wellbeing
We work with amazing young people who need some additional support to reach and be confident in their potential.
Working closely with schools, we identify young people who often don’t have the advantages that others do and who are most likely to benefit from our interventions.
Our work helps young people to build their academic and social confidence and prepare them for a world of opportunities.
In our most recent impact report, 89% of mentors said they saw increased confidence in their Mentees.
85% of young people said that ReachOut had a positive impact on their lives.
84% of mentees said they enjoyed coming to reachout
“The main impact has been seeing their confidence grow within themselves. They’ve blossomed as young adults.”
Teacher at a ReachOut partner school
School and the future
ReachOut works in areas where young people face a variety of social and economic challenges. Our programmes support young people to overcome the barriers they face, and create wider positive change in society.
Mentoring, group activities and work experiences open up fresh horizons for young people and give them new tools and networks to support their future success by developing their socio-emotional
At the heart of all our work is our desire that the young people we work with go on to live good, happy and successful lives, whatever that looks like for them.
61% of the young people we worked with last year were eligible for pupil premium.
65% of mentees improved their attendance at school.
Last year we delivered work experience visits and career talks for over 300 young people.
80% of teachers said they'd seen an improvement in their students' attitude to learning.
“For me and my friends who took part in ReachOut, it helped to level the playing field, providing us with the same opportunities as young people from more well-off backgrounds.”
Boma, ReachOut Alumnus