ReachOut Summer Reception 2018

ReachOut Summer Reception 2018 ReachOut Summer Reception 2018 Wednesday 13th June 2018 marked ReachOut’s Summer Reception event at the House of Commons. The Terrace Pavilion was filled with over 200 supporters including MPs, young people, mentors and funders. Meg Hillier MP and Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP both hosted and spoke at the event. Nicky […]

Project Leaders use Character to Build Dreams

Lucie Collins, Year 5 London Project Leader, talks about what character is and the impact it can have on young people and learning. What’s the most enjoyable part of being a Project Leader? For me, it’s finding different and creative ways to bring character into my sessions. So what is character? Jubilee Centre defines it […]

Royal Parks 2017

The Royal Parks Half Marathon 2017 was a huge success and a fantastic day for Team ReachOut; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the Morris Men were dancing! 20 fantastic runners represented ReachOut including ex-mentee and current ambassador Emmanuel, Joanne from our corporate partner Macquarie Bank, and 11 of the World Famous […]

#GBBO… UBS style!

There are many ways to support a charity, from donating your time to taking part in a marathon. One of ReachOut’s corporate partners, UBS, got their workforce involved through their latest venture by hosting the “Bi-Annual Finance Bake Off”! The theme was “War of the Worlds” and included an invasion of aliens and other extra-terrestrial […]

Seb the Scientist – our #UnexpectedMentor

Seb, a scientist in Manchester, is also a mentor for children’s charity ReachOut where he works one-to-one each week with a local young person from Oldham to help raise their aspirations and grow their academic attainment. Growing up and attending school in Bradford, an area with a high level of poverty, reduced my chances of […]

5 reasons why you should volunteer!

Harriet Bradshaw-Smith recently took on the role of Volunteer Officer at mentoring charity ReachOut, after volunteering with the charity for 3 years whilst studying at University. As well as landing a fantastic job, Harriet recognised the multiple benefits of volunteering. Read on to find out from her why you should volunteer too! Here are my […]

The ReachOut Residential

The first weekend of September 2017 saw 50 ReachOut Project Leaders from Manchester, Oldham and London visit Queen Mary University of London for two jam-packed days of training and preparation ahead of an exciting year of ReachOut projects! Events kicked off Friday night with ice-breaker games for everyone to meet each other and become inspired […]

Volunteer Thank You Event

The annual ReachOut Volunteer Thank You Event is one of our favourite nights of the year. It’s an opportunity for us to bring all of our wonderful volunteers together and show how much we appreciate their hard work, commitment and resilience. We provide one-to-one mentors for young people who have been referred to us for […]

President Obama reaches out to ReachOut

It’s been an exciting week! If you’ve been following our social media channels over the last few days you’ll know that ReachOut has been involved in something truly historic. On Saturday, five ReachOut mentees were invited to attend a Town Hall with the President of the USA, Barack Obama! Owura Osei-Asibeh, Gavin Alexander, Sabrina Choudhury, […]

Demystifying Character

Demystifying Character I was delighted to attend the Department for Education’s Character Symposium last month, particularly as Abdullahi Ali Aden, a former ReachOut mentee, was asked to address the audience alongside Nicky Morgan MP, Secretary of State for Education. Ali also sat on the panel for a Q&A session with Ms. Morgan and did a […]

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“At first, I was really hesitant to take on the Project Leader role, despite having mentored with ReachOut. However, with the support of the team I’ve really developed my skills. For example, at the Mentee Graduation, I stood up in front of 200 people and presented an award which is something I would never ever have been able to have done before, and isn’t an opportunity I could gain in my other situations.”

Amy McCutcheon, Project Leader at ReachOut Academy, Dean Trust Ardwick, Manchester.


“Being able to spend the summer working at Rede Partners, was an amazing experience. Whether it was working in HR or Finance, I learned so much about the world of private equity, made great connections with fantastic people and I got to learn first-hand what it would be like to work there! I really believe that I can go onto build the career I want now I’ve been a part for a workplace for real”

Victor Adekunle, 18 years old, ReachOut Ambassador, London


“When I first my mentee, she was very reluctant to participate in the sessions. Now, I see a completely different person! Her confidence has grown and she is happy to join in! She still has some self-doubt when it comes to academic work, but that’s what I hope to help her overcome, because she is a very bright person!

Through mentoring, I’ve learnt I’m a lot more patient than I realised. There will be days where she refuses to participate and those are the days that I really see the importance of the character strengths, for both the mentees and the mentors. It also makes it easier for the mentee to understand the character strengths, when I use them myself”

Myrtle, ReachOut Club mentor at Tufnell Primary School, London


“There are more distractions than ever outside of school, and the commitment of our students to attend ReachOut sessions is testament to the value they place on the relationships they foster there, and the challenge and enjoyment they provide.

ReachOut’s focus on communication skills and character development has become an important aspect of our provision of support for these students. The opportunity to relate to a positive role- model other than their usual teachers is key to the programme’s impact, and the evidence of this has been seen in the students’ attendance, resilience and to their overall progress across all the subjects in the school.”

Thomas Janvrin, Assistant Vice Principal at the Petchey Academy London