It’s time to meet the ReachOut team and get ready to begin mentoring.
Remember, you can download your Volunteer Journey Checklist here to keep track of where you are in the process.
If there are any steps in Stage 2 that you are still working on, please make it your priority to complete these as soon as possible. You can click on the ‘Stage Two’ button at the top to go back.
Please bookmark the Mentor Information Pack so that you can refer back to it every time you need a reminder of topics discussed in your mentor training!
Please click on the steps below to find out what you need to do next.
Important: For in-depth guidance on this stage and your 1:1 meeting, please visit this page!
You may have completed this step already, but if you haven’t please click here to be transported to Calendly, where you can choose the date and time for your meeting.
Click here to view a helpful guide of exactly what IDs are acceptable and which aren’t.
Preparing your IDs in advance is really important, as it means that you can spend more time in your meeting chatting rather than solving ID issues!
Click here to answer some additional questions about you.
It is important that you complete this form before coming to your 1:1 meeting, as we may want to follow-up on some of your answers then. You’ll need your unique contact ID code for this (a combination of 15 letters & numbers starting with 003), which you will have received in the email that brought you to this page.
This is an opportunity for you to meet a member of the Volunteer Team so that we can get to know you better. This is also where the team will check your 3 forms of ID for your DBS. Please remember to bring your IDs with you, along with any questions you have about mentoring.
Important: You cannot attend your 1:1 meeting unless you have completed the essential preparation! Click here to view an in-depth guide of exactly what you need to do before coming to your 1:1 meeting. If you are unprepared for the meeting, your meeting will be cancelled and you will be asked to book onto a different date.
After you attend your 1:1 meeting, the Volunteer Team will submit your DBS application for processing. Please note that this is dependent on your having filled in your DBS application and having shown us your ID documents.
You will receive an email inviting you to the fourth and final stage of the journey! This stage will explain what your final steps are before you are able to begin mentoring.
1-1 Meetings
Yes – there are 3 things that you need to prepare ahead of your 1.1 meeting.
You can find out more about your 1.1 meeting by clicking here.
Your 1.1 meeting may have been cancelled because you did not arrive to your meeting within the first 5 minutes OR because you had not completed the necessary preparation ahead of the meeting.
Please re-book your 1.1 meeting as soon as possible using this link:
Here is a reminder of what you need to prepare:
Yes! You may have filled out your DBS application online, but it won’t be submitted for processing until after your 1.1 meeting, once your ID documents have been verified by the ReachOut team. You therefore won’t receive your DBS certificate until after you have attended your 1.1 meeting.
Please do, however, make sure you bring your 3 ID documents with you to the 1.1 meeting.
Preparing 3 forms of ID
This will depend on the type of document (more guidance below).
Photo ID documents – We are not able to accept pictures of ID documents. We will need to see the original version of the documents during your 1.1 meeting. This includes:
Online/digital or paper copies – We are able to accept anything that isn’t a photo ID document in a picture format! This includes:
Yes – these are the documents you need.
A: You can view a full list of acceptable documents here.
Here are some of the most common documents that we see.
Photo ID document (the below need to be in physical form to show in the 1.1 meeting) – please use at least 1 document from this category
Acceptable | Not acceptable |
Proof of address document (the below can be in paper or online format to show at your 1.1 meeting)
Acceptable | Not acceptable |
‘Tell us about you’ form
Don’t worry. During your 1.1 meeting you can let a member of the ReachOut team know that you would like to add/ change information on the form, and they can make those changes for you there and then.
If you’re having any trouble with this stage of your Volunteer Journey, or if you have any other questions, please contact the Volunteer Team:
Sia Kampouri
Contact Sia for enquiries relating to university placements or questions about weekly mentoring.
Susanna Allegretti
Contact Susanna for enquiries relating to corporate volunteering or questions about monthly mentoring.
sia kampouri
susanna allegretti
“Hello, we’re Sia & Susanna, ReachOut’s Volunteer Officers. Our role at ReachOut is to support you throughout your time as a volunteer mentor. Volunteering as a mentor to a young person is a fantastic way to make a difference and give back to your community, and you’ll be part of our brilliant community of volunteers. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!”
“I really like the fact that, throughout the weeks at ReachOut, I can see my mentee coming out of her shell and believing in herself that she can do it.”
ReachOut Mentor
“At first, I was really hesitant to take on the Project Leader role, despite having mentored with ReachOut. However, with the support of the team I’ve really developed my skills. For example, at the Mentee Graduation, I stood up in front of 200 people and presented an award which is something I would never ever have been able to have done before, and isn’t an opportunity I could gain in my other situations.”
Amy McCutcheon, Project Leader at ReachOut Academy, Dean Trust Ardwick, Manchester.
“Being able to spend the summer working at Rede Partners, was an amazing experience. Whether it was working in HR or Finance, I learned so much about the world of private equity, made great connections with fantastic people and I got to learn first-hand what it would be like to work there! I really believe that I can go onto build the career I want now I’ve been a part for a workplace for real”
Victor Adekunle, 18 years old, ReachOut Ambassador, London
“When I first my mentee, she was very reluctant to participate in the sessions. Now, I see a completely different person! Her confidence has grown and she is happy to join in! She still has some self-doubt when it comes to academic work, but that’s what I hope to help her overcome, because she is a very bright person!
Through mentoring, I’ve learnt I’m a lot more patient than I realised. There will be days where she refuses to participate and those are the days that I really see the importance of the character strengths, for both the mentees and the mentors. It also makes it easier for the mentee to understand the character strengths, when I use them myself”
Myrtle, ReachOut Club mentor at Tufnell Primary School, London
“There are more distractions than ever outside of school, and the commitment of our students to attend ReachOut sessions is testament to the value they place on the relationships they foster there, and the challenge and enjoyment they provide.
ReachOut’s focus on communication skills and character development has become an important aspect of our provision of support for these students. The opportunity to relate to a positive role- model other than their usual teachers is key to the programme’s impact, and the evidence of this has been seen in the students’ attendance, resilience and to their overall progress across all the subjects in the school.”
Thomas Janvrin, Assistant Vice Principal at the Petchey Academy London